Usually when you break your fibula bone, it's no big deal because that bone in your body does nothing for you... unless it's close to your ankle and then it helps support your joints...Lucky me, that's just where I broke it. This picture is of the outside of my leg where I broke it but not a great pic.. it's really swollen, bruised, and red.

So, I have that problem and another. I tore all the ligaments on the inner side of my ankle which has caused my ankle to shift. It no longer is where it is suppose to be. This pic doesn't do this justice either because you can't see all the swelling and redness but here it is.

Now I have to have surgery. They are going to put a plate and screws in to pull the fibula bone back together so it can heal.. then they are going to place a screw through my ankle to pull it back in place and hold it there so it can heal too.
I will be in a soft cast for 1 week after, like I am now, so the swelling can go down. Then they will place it in a hard cast for 6 weeks. So, 7 weeks of NO WALKING! I'm not allowed to put any pressure or weight on it at all. Then, they will take the cast off and put a walking boot on for 4 weeks and start me in physical therapy. 10 weeks from my first surgery, I get to do it again! Another surgery to remove the screw from my ankle.. but they will be leaving the plate and screws in the fibula bone for good. Essentially, a 3 month process all because I went roller skating!
My plans for Disneyland are ruined. My job requires me to be on my feet all day.. that can't happen. I can't drive. I can't even get down the stairs to do our laundry and get the house cleaned! I'm seriously upset right now and there's nothing I can do about the situation. So, eventually I will have to figure things out and work with the cards I have been dealt, but for now, this is not a good day! :(
Veronica...This is not a good deck of cards. I am so sorry!!! When I got off the phone with you tonight, my heart was heavy for you and your family. I can't even begin to know the pain of being down for that long. Just know that we are all here for you and will try to do everything we can to make things more comfortable for you. You need to let people help you and not worry about it. Hang in there girl!!! The Sun will come out again...I Promise.