Sunday, September 19, 2010

Carson lost his 1st tooth today! He was scared and begged me not to use the pliers! Haha... I wouldn't use the pliers silly boy. In fact, I couldn't get it to come out so his sister Jessica pulled it out. She pulled Makayla's 1st tooth out too. Now he can't wait for bedtime so the tooth fairy can come :)He put his tooth in a little baggie and then he put a dime and a penny in with it. I told Carson that "I think the tooth fairy is suppose to pay you for your tooth." He said, "mom, I'm putting it in there to be nice." Lol! What a sweet little boy I have.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

He wasn't a hero,
Known by the world.
But a hero he was,
To his little girl.

My daddy was mighty,
Who knew all things.
And better than Santa,
With the gifts he'd bring.

I knew his voice,
Before I could speak.
And loved it when,
He would sing me to sleep.

He changed my diapers,
And sat up all night.
When my body was weak
And I'd put up a fight.

He'd come home late,
With not much to say.
And made us all kneel,
As he taught me to pray.

He taught me life's lessons,
Of right from wrong.
And instilled in me values,
That I might be strong.

And so through the years,
Like a hero he stood.
Working to give,
All that he could.

His presence was important,
And we loved to see him smile.
For no one in the world,
Could emulate his style.

And so dear Dad,
My best memory to recall.
Is the gift of your presence,
The greatest gift of all.

I love you dad with all my heart and I am so grateful for the values you instilled in me. You are the greatest example to me in the way you lead your life and taught me. You are an amazing father and grandpa and I miss you so very much.
Your birthday is definately something to celebrate. So, as you loved to take my children to feed the squirrels and enjoy nature as one of the many things that you did with them, that's what we do in honor of your birthday each year. It helps us all feel a little bit closer to you.
I love you dad! You are my HERO!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1st Day of School

Wow! My babies are really growing up. Makayla is starting 3rd grade and Carson is starting 1st grade! I'm getting old. I feel like the time has really flown and I want it to slow down! I want them to stay little forever.. but I know that's not the plan. I keep telling them to stay little as long as possible.. don't be in such a hurry to grow up. Their response is always "we want to be 12 so we can have a phone." Then Carson pipes in and says "and a pocket knife." Oh, to be their little age again with no worries or cares in the world except for dreaming BIG. Makayla wants to be a veteranarian and a cow girl. She's suddenly become very interested in horses but we won't be getting one of those. Carson wants to be a policeman. I have 2 of the most amazing, beautiful children and I am so grateful to be their proud mom.

To start out the new year, Makayla talked me into having her hair cut. She took 9 inches off! I have to admit though, it is a cute look for her. :)

However, the stylist made the back a bit poofy for my little sweetie, so we will tone it down for her first day!