Friday, December 3, 2010

glitter graphics

Tonight, Carson and I attended my nieces christmas dance recital. They did such an awesome job. The hip hop dancing was pretty cool.. didn't know you could really teach someone how to dance that way. I have no natural rhythm so trust me, I would not look as good bustin' a move as they did!
So, they had a special visitor at the end of the recital... Yep, you guessed it! Santa Claus came to visit all the little kids. Carson was 2nd in line to sit on his lap. When he was done he came down and said "mom, uncle Andy is Santa Claus!" Me: "He is?" Carson: "Uh huh!" Me: "That's really cool that Uncle Andy got picked to be Santa's helper, huh?!" Carson: "Uh huh!" He had a great big grin on his face.
So, I'm taking the kids to school the next morning and Carson says: "Mom, how did Uncle Andy get hired?" Me: "I'm not sure but he is sure doing a special job this year." Carson: "Does Uncle Andy get to go out on Christmas Eve too?" Me: "Nope. Santa Claus performs his magic that special night and makes the trip with just him and his reindeer." Carson: "What if Santa had a skinny belly like mine... would I get hired to help Santa?" Me: "I'm not sure about that.. but.. I think Santa has to have a big belly so it can jiggle like a bowl full of jelly. He has to have room for all those cookies that little boys and girls like you leave out for him to eat."  Carson: "Are we going to make cookies for Santa?" Me: "You bet we are!" Carson: "How did Uncle Andy get his beard?" Me: "It's a pretend beard."
I love talking to my kids about the magic of Christmas. It makes me love this season even more. This will be my magical year with my kids as I know that they will one day get older and understand a little bit more.

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