Saturday, July 10, 2010


September 7, 2010.. Sadie, our dog, had puppies! 9 of them to be exact! They are adorable and doing well. She has 4 black puppies some with white patches on their chest, 2 chocolate, 2 rottweiler, and 1 lite tan. Sadie is a rottweiler/lab so her puppies will be decent size.

This was quite the shock to us as we thought we had Sadie fixed in 2006! But now we realize that we only had our other dog, Strider, fixed. So how did this happen you ask if our other dog is fixed?? Well, we had a neighbor dog down the street jump our fence into our yard that helped himself! Don't people keep their animals on a leash or in kennels these days??!
Anyway, needless to say, we are grateful that she and all 9 puppies are doing well... and she is DEFINATELY getting fixed this time! :)
So, if any of you out there would like to bring home a sweet, innocent little puppy to your children... give me a call. :) They are only 1 week old right now so it will be about 6 weeks before they are ready for their new little homes.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband! We have been married for 10 wonderful years! It seems as though we have been through every crazy, exciting experiences we could have ever imagined we would have... and yet, there are so many experiences and memmories to come. You are an amazing man, father, and husband! I love you very much babe! Here's to many more years to come and cherish!
I also had an amazing time with you playing at the Wahooz center racing go-carts, getting wet on the bumper boats, enjoying our time together away! We should do this more often :) Love ya!