Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Cameron and Wyatt!

We had a combined birthday party for my nephew Wyatt, who just turned 1 years old.. and my little brother Cameron who turned 15 today! Wyatt's little cake was a puppy.. he couldn't resist digging in to the black eyes and nose.. it was more appealing than the white frosting.. good luck cleaning that up Dustin and Sarah! :)

Of course, we didn't want Cameron feeling left out either so we made sure he got a good taste of his cake too!

We love you guys and hope that you both had a very special day!

Happy Easter!

This post is a little late but better late than never :) The kids had a ball this year at the big egg hunt! Makayla was sure she was going to end up with the big easter basket by the tree.. she was so focused on it that she didn't get very many eggs but it was all smiles that day.

We painted our eggs with the tie day pack that night.. What a MESS!

I like the old conventional way where you just dip your egg in a cup.. next year!

Look at my adorable little ones in there new easter clothes :) And then there's the one in the middle.. that's my handsome hunk!
Anyways, hope everybody had a Happy Easter with their families and celebrating the spirit of the day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I finally decided over spring break to see what the fuss was about over twilight. I first watched the movie... it was pretty good.. so I had to read the books after that. The books were awesome.. better than the movie. They had so much more detail than the movie and the movie didn't follow the book as well as I expected. I started out reading the last friday of spring break and finished all 4 books by the next friday. 1 week! That's a lot of reading but the books have it all... mystery, intensity, danger, romance, excitement, action! I couldn't put them down. I'm definately a fan of the vampires versus the warewolves. I'm glad I'm done reading them though... I can finally start getting my life back together. I sort of put it on hold for a week while I read. I still got things done but it was super hard to juggle work and then come home and read while trying to cook dinner and watch my shows and do homework with the kids and find time to clean the house too! Exhausting.. I wasn't going to bed until midnight every night and I am an OLD women! I need my sleep. Anything past 10:30 is too late! :) Anyway, awesome series and I'm looking forward to the next movie! I liked the soundtrack they used in the movie. My favorite song was Bella's lullaby. I love that piano piece.